Surviving An Election Season

Tina Green
5 min readJan 29, 2024

Here we are in another election season in the United States of America.

Most people I speak to are dreading the impact the election will have on their lives. Not just who will win and what they will manifest on behalf of us, but really, it’s about the journey to election day.

We are so privileged, as U.S. citizens, to have the right to vote. There’s no doubt that, in the current climate, every election campaign, down to the most local position, has its share of fear, anger, dishonesty, greed, and negativity.

It is very easy to get caught up in the news cycle of fear and negativity, especially if you frequently watch TV/Cable news, listen to political talk radio, or participate in social media.

How can you make it through the election year without feeling hopeless, apathetic, depressed, angry, offended, or resentful? Without damaging or estranging relationships?

How can you remain informed about the candidates, their values and goals and remain committed to voting rather than throwing your arms up in the air and walking away?

Well, you may not be able to escape it completely, but you can minimize it.

The way I think about it is that politics are going to happen whether I participate or not. Those campaigns that are stoking fear, anger, lies, and hatred are counting on me to get caught up in their tornado, throw up my arms in disgust and disconnect, or become so dogmatic about hot-button issues (like abortion, gun violence, gay rights, etc.), that I will only vote based on that.

I would love to see as many people as possible not get caught up in the election tornado. The last two presidential elections were almost unbearable.

How do I do this without putting my head in the sand?

I look at myself in the mirror.

I have a conversation with myself:

I love you

What do you need?

I need more exercise, to figure out how not to be ashamed of my body and love myself, and more time with friends.

That was an actual conversation I had with myself several years ago. If that feels too weird, then journal about it. What do you need more of in your life? What obstacles are in your way?

If I re-focus my energy on getting my needs met, loving me, accepting me, and living my best life, I have less time for the election tornado.

An election year is a perfect year to look in the mirror and do inner work… while the country is determining its next leadership team, you are being a good leader in your life. You’re putting your interests, needs, and desires first instead of last, and you’re saying no to hate, fear, and divisiveness.

When you put yourself first, love and accept yourself, and make sure your needs and desires are getting the attention they deserve, you stop:

  • Denying the truth
  • Being ruled by fear and you face your fears
  • Judging yourself and others
  • Abandoning or rejecting yourself
  • Striving to meet everyone’s needs at your own expense
  • Believing the lie that you are not good enough
  • Believing whatever lie your oppressor is telling you
  • Staying in toxic relationships
  • Acting against your own best interest
  • Blaming others for your circumstances

Now, my reaction might be an eye roll, and I am able to wade through the information without getting filled with all the toxic negativity. There’s a huge difference in how I take in elections now vs. before I loved and accepted myself.

The thing is, it's really hard to do this on your own because what really needs to happen is you need to interrupt the operation system, the rules that you’ve been living by your whole life. Those rules will fight to stay alive in you.

It’s important to be witnessed, at the least. To have a trusted friend, coach, therapist, or spiritual advisor to share with and witness you. Ask for help! Find someone who can help you overcome your core beliefs. There are many workshops, books, coaches, therapists, and online courses that can help you develop your self-love practice.

I’m suggesting that the greatest form of resistance to the negative narrative of an election year is to work on yourself. Do your inner work, and it will ripple out to impact your family, friends, and community. Learn to love and accept every part of yourself because YOU are the PERFECT YOU!

When your needs are met, and you love yourself, you have more compassion, you see more clearly, and you are able to give more to others.

One place to start is to join my FREE Women’s Self-Love Community on Facebook or join my FREE Wise Women Circle on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month via Zoom.

You can do a deep dive over the next year and join the Toltec Medicine Wheel of Transformation in Northern California. It's a year-long program.
​Starting in May 2024:
A journey of empowerment through the ages and stages of your life using the ancient symbol of the medicine wheel. I have witnessed many people step through their pain, addictions, shame, codependency, and obstacles to gain freedom and return to their authentic selves. It is the most powerful program I have personally experienced as well. I promise you will be deeply transformed at the end of this program. We are having an information session to learn about it on February 8th; click on the link above for more information on how to join the session.

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Tina Green is the “Self-Love Queen,” the author of the best-selling The Life-Changing Power of Self-Love: An Essential Guide, and is the Founder and Transformational Coach at Exposing The Roots. She is also the Director of Communications and Operations at Freedom Folk and Soul.

Tina brings her grounded and vital mother energy and lived experience to
everyone she serves. Through coaching and embodied experiences such as
breathwork, ceremony, and ritual, Tina partners with women to create a
foundation of self-love. She empowers women to rewrite their stories and
honor and release old stories or beliefs that no longer serve.

Tina believes that when a woman learns to love herself, everything
changes, and anything is possible.

Her transformational offerings for women include private coaching,
breathwork, women’s circles, workshops, retreats, ceremonies, and initiations.

Join Tina’s free “Women’s Self-Love Community” on Facebook for inspiration and access to free self-love events.

Tina wants us to celebrate more! She wants to honor you with More Than Cake and Presents. Tina creates personalized experiences such as coming-of-age ceremonies for teens, rites of passage ceremonies for all stages of life, initiations, weddings, baby blessings, home blessings, milestone birthdays, anniversaries, and celebrations of life.

Tina also has 20 years of experience as an executive in non-profit and
financial services.

She lives with her husband, two teenage daughters, two dogs, and a cat in Northern California. She is a lifelong student, foodie, outdoor
adventurer, music and theatre lover, and traveler.



Tina Green

Tina Green is the “Self-Love Queen.” Best-selling Author, Coach, Chef, Mother and fierce advocate for women cultivating self-love and acceptance!